National Heritage
National Heritage is a charity supporting and encouraging museums and galleries in the UK. It also represents the interests of museum and gallery visitors and other users.
It is entirely run by volunteers, so every penny donated goes to support heritage, helping to engender good practice and improve visitor experience. An area which is currently in need of support is travel bursaries for heritage professionals and volunteers wishing to attend courses, seminars and conferences. National Heritage is delighted to support the heritage profession in this way.
- For more about National Heritage
- To apply for a bursary please email David Bromley
Go to Resources for notes on NH Volunteer Management Workshop, current list of training available in UK, guide on museum and gallery accreditation, back numbers of Museum News and other helpful information.
National Heritage Memorial Fund administer the Heritage Lottery Fund. If you are from a County Council Accounts department and have received a very large amount into the council’s bank account, and are wondering what it is for, then please call 0207 591 6000, as they are most likely the donors.
Background: The Great Court, British Museum © Trustees of the British Museum.